Saturday, July 3, 2010

Fantacies Can be Viral

If we could just stop making things up! We have no clue if " what is" had an initiating cause or not since there is no such thing as matter separate from time. This discomfort, this tenacious, stubborn insistence that a thus far unanswerable question be answered even if it requires colossal self-deception and the betrayal of our most distinguishing human trait, consciousness, damages us in ways too ubiquitous to name. These codified musings made solid, given fangs and claws purely by force of will, cloud reality, retard discovery, and set people against each other not in competition
over resources, but whose fantasy is the most compelling. The history of humanity thus far has been little more then but a bloody battle to the death over whose fabrications can entrap and
pervert the most consciousnesses. Dawkin's talks of meme's. I see his point. These distortions become self-renewing, self-perpetuating, viral. The antidote to an awareness distorting virus is first,
awareness of the virus and second, feverish dedication to rooting it out in ourselves and others with a fervor and tenacity rivaling those who carry the disease.

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